Alport webshop opens!

Psst! We are delighted to be able to announce that you can now buy Alport merchandise from our website – you’ll see the SHOP tab at the top of the page on this website.

A massive thank you goes to Alport Warrior Scott Liddell and his colleague Chris Cousins along with Andrea from Admire PR for ironing out the bumps in our online shop, and to talented designer Robina Newman, for her brilliant merchandise designs – please comment to let us know what you think of them.

We’ve chosen good-quality merchandise to proudly display our logo. Spot the Alport Warriors modelling the t-shirts and hoodies for you! We would absolutely love to see you modelling YOUR merchandise, whether it’s holding your morning cuppa or sashaying down the street in a hoodie. Feel free to post the photos into Alport Warriors  or if you prefer, send them to us at

Every purchase you make generates a small profit for Alport UK. Funds are vital to keep our charity going – thank you.

#alportmerchandise #alportsyndrome

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